Monday 29 November 2010

opening titles.

We are looking at the opening titles of films and how they are presented in preperation for putting them onto our film.

Dawn if the dead
The opening titles of dawn of the dead are played throughout scenes of what you can expect throughout the film, such as zombies and rioting.

1. name of the production company.
2. Name of the film
3. The last things that come up are the names of the actors, with the most important and most famous actors coming up first.

The names of actors are included as part of the film, the start of the film is wat appears to be the inside of an animal.
1.The name of the film comes up first.
2.This is then followed by people who work on the same areas such as sound mixers come up on the same time.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

how a 15 is rated.

A 15 certificate is rated as a 15 because-

-The film itself does not promote drugs although drug use is shown.
-Horror and threat are a good idea unless it is sadistic or sexualised.
-Offensive language is used but the most offensive words are not used frequently.
-Nudity is allowed but no strong sexual detail may be shown.
-Sexual content is shown but not in any detail.
-Violence is allowed to be shown but the film may not dwell upon inflicting injury, strong images of gore not caused by a setting of war or by accident, will not be allowed. and no sadistic or sexual violence is allowed.

Monday 15 November 2010


After 3 lessons of storyboarding we have finished and now we are able to start collecting images of possible locations for filming and casting our characters.

Our pitch being accepted

Our pitch was accepted by mr henton after we had significantly changed it so that it was feasable for us to create.

Delivering our pitch

However when we pitched it to Mr henton he said that we could not make it because We had already selected actors which we were not supposed to do until our pitch had beeen accepted, we had also gone into to much detail with our overview.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

prelim task editing

In our last lesson we downloaded all of the footage from the cameras that we had filmed previously,edited our prelim task so that it contains continuity sound effects music and working speech. We used final cut to edit our preliminary task, we didnt need to use garage band as we found suitable music already on the mac.

Sunday 10 October 2010

wrong turn

We looked at the article about the opening of 'The Shining', a classic horror film starring Jack Nicholson. We then watched the opening first few minutes of the horror film 'Wrong Turn' (2003). Whilst watching the opening, we made notes about the use of visual and audio elements.

There are a wide range of visual elements in the opening of 'Wrong Turn'. Some of these include shots like bird's eye view, establishing shot, and point of view shot. These are needed to create the feeling of fear, tension and suspense that are expected to keep the audience on edge.

The bird's eye view shot at the beginning shows how isolated the location is. This is important as it shows that the victims are in the middle of nowhere which hints the danger. The establishing shot of the cliffs and the woman also shows how isolated and helpless the victims are, intentionally making it hard for them to get out and escape the danger when it comes. The point of view shot of the woman in the chase scene actually makes it look like the woman is running away as the camera is hand-held. It shows the audience how fearful the woman is as the camera is shaking which reflects her panting and panicking. Also it would bring tension and suspense to the audience as they don't know what is chasing the woman.

The editing is faster to create the 'false scare' to the audience to keep them feeling the tension before the actual danger and horror comes. The example of this editing is the scene where the woman nearly falls down after losing her grip of the rope. This would make the audience jump as the start of the opening would have kept them on edge.

The audio elements in the opening are just as important as the visual elements in creating the tension and suspense. The audio elements include the music in the background and also additional sounds.

At the beginning of the opening, the tempo of the music increases to suggest the sense of danger is nearby. Also there are drumming over the top which emphasizes and pinpoints the danger. The music is orchestrial which includes stringed instruments which is significant in creating the feeling of fear.

The enhanced sounds are louder so the audience would feel the suspense as they wait and expect for the danger to happen. One of the sounds that is enhanced is when blood drips on the woman's face which for the audience is the beginning of the horror.

horror films

In this lesson we watched the opening minutes of - jeepers creepers
                                                                          - jeeperscreepers 2
                                                                           and dead wood
we watched these films so that we would have a better idea of how a horror film is constructed

Tuesday 28 September 2010

further editing

In the second part of todays lesson we went back onto the macs and learnt how to add filters to peices of footage, after this we learnt how to get footage from the cameras and onto final cut using i movie.


Monday 27th September
We had a two hour lesson in the first hour me and my group got to do some filming for our Preliminary Task, we tried to do as many different camera angles/shots as possible. Then we went into the Mac Suite where we were taught how to get our footage from the camera into Final Cut Express. We were also shown how to use transitions and effects whilst editing so we can make our footage look more presentable.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

fourth lesson Using the macs.

Monday 20th September

We finished storyboarding and were taught how to use the camera and the tripod after a demonstration by our teacher. There are many different camera angles we were shown such as the crane shot, extreme long shot and close up.

Wednesday 22nd September

We were showed the basics of Final Cut Express to learn how to edit footage. We then tried using Final Cut Express on some example footage to get used to editing with FCE and also going on the Macs.

third lesson

in our hird lesson we carried on with the story boarding for our preliminary task

Wednesday 15 September 2010

secondlesson story boarding

Today in media we looked again at the different types of camera shot and movement and how to abbreviate them. after this we got together in our groups to plan and story boarding our continuity task, which involves planning how and where we will fillm the task, and what ypes of camera shots and sounds we will be using in each of these shots.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

my first post

in our lesson today i got together with 2 others [Matthew Earl and lizz parry] who i shall be working with for the continuity task, which will involve storyboarding, filming, and editing a character opening a door walking across the room and sitting in a chair before exchanging dialogue with another character already there. We also watched 2 videos on camera movement and types of shot from the ocr website.